Kamis, 04 April 2019

Perbandingan OS Smartphone : Symbian vs Android

Pada abad ini, kita sudah memasuki era dimana semua informasi berjalan dengan sangat cepat. Perkembangan teknologi pun harus beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin bertambah. Handphone atau Smartphone menjadi “senjata” utama dalam era ini. Para pembaca mungkin tidak menyadari ini, coba lihat di sekitar kalian, pasti Handphone kalian berada tidak jauh dari jangkauan atau mungkin justru ada di genggaman kalian. Era informasi ini membuat manusia memiliki ketergantungan pada Handphone untuk “mengonsumsi” informasi.

Konsep Handphone (Mobile Phone) sendiri direalisasikan pertama kali tahun 1926 dalam maskapai Jerman Deutsche Reichsban di penerbangan dari Hamburg ke Berlin. Motorolla menjadi produsen pertama Handphone pada 3 April 1973, namun baru mengeluarkan produk komersil pertama tahun 1983 yaitu Motorolla DynaTAC 8000X.

Prototype Smartphone pertama di dunia diperkenalkan oleh IBM tahun 1992 dengan nama Simon Personal Communicator. Beberapa elemen smartphone yang diimplementasikan di Simon antara lain, Layar sentuh (Touch Screen), Email, Fax, Note, Calendar, On-Screen Keyboard dan beberapa Aplikasi dan Widget.

Namun, dalam kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas pengalaman saya dengan Handphone/ Smartphone, terutama dalam hal Operating System. OS dalam Mobile Phone sendiri menjadi salah satu spesifikasi penting dalam perkembangannya. Beberapa OS yang terkenal diantaranya Symbian, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Android, dan iOS. Saya akan membahas sedikit tentang Symbian dan Android karena hanya dua OS itu yang pernah saya pakai.   


Sejarah Symbian terjadi berkat perusahaan Inggris Psion Organiser pada tahun 80-an. Psion Organiser memiliki sistem operasi bernama EPOC yang kemudian berganti nama menjadi Symbian pada tahun 1998. Psion menjalin kerjasama dengan Nokia, Ericsson, dan Motorolla berkat keberhasilan Symbian. Namun pada 2004, Nokia membeli saham Psion dan menjadi pemegang saham utama Symbian.

Symbian memiliki kelebihan dari beberapa OS pada saat itu, diantaranya adalah baterai yang tahan lama dan kebutuhan hardware yang lebih sederhana dibanding kompetitornya. Symbian memakai prosesor ARM dalam produknya untuk beberapa vendor seperti Samsung, Motorolla, Sony Ericsson dan yang paling terkenal adalah Nokia.

Symbian mencapai puncaknya di awal hingga akhir 2000-an sebelum akhirnya mulai menunjukan penurunan tahun 2008. Namun pada saat itu, Nokia berhasil  mengakuisisi penuh saham Symbian dan membuat organisasi non-profit bernama Symbian Foundation. OS Symbian dan beberapa UI-nya diberikan kepada organisasi ini dengn tujuan untuk membuat Symbian menjadi Open Source Platform. Namun sayangnya Nokia gagal melihat keinginan pasar dan justru menjadi kegagalan mereka. Kompetisi yang ketat dari iOS, Android, Windows Phone dan Blackberry juga menjadi faktor jatuhnya Symbian. Nokia 808 PureView menjadi Smartphone Symbian terakhir dari Nokia.


Android Inc. didirikan pertama kali oleh Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, dan Chris White di Palo Alto, California pada October 2003. Tujuan utama perusahaan ini adalah untuk mengembangkan system operasi untuk kamera digital pada April 2004. Mereka memutuskan kalau pasar kamera digital tidak terlalu besar dan mulai mengembangkan Android sebagai system operasi handset untuk smartphone.
Pada Juli 2005, Google mengakuisisi Android Inc. untuk 50 juta US$.  Para pembesarnya, termasuk Rubin, Miner, dan White, bergabung dengan Google sebagai bagian akuisisi. Pada Desember 2006, tujuan awal Google untuk memasuki pasar mobile communication berlanjut seiring akuisisi Android.
Pada 2007, Google merilis versi beta dari Android Software Development Kit (SDK). Pada September 2008, Android merilis Android 1.0 yang menjadi rilis komersil pertama mereka. Sejak saat itu, Android merilis beberapa versi OS mulai dari :
  • 1.5 "Cupcake" (2008)
  • 1.6 "Donut" (2009)
  • 2.0 "Eclair" (2009)
  • 2.2 "Froyo" (2010)
  • 2.3 “Gingerbread” (2010)
  • 3.0 “Honeycomb” (2011)
  • 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich” (2011)
  • 4.1 “Jellybean” (2012)
  • 4.4 “KitKat” (2013)
  • 5.0 “Lollipop” (2014)
  • 6.0 “Marshmallow” (2015)
  • 7.0 “Nougat” (2016)
  • 8.0 “Oreo” (2017)
  • 9.0 “Pie” (2018)

Pengalaman Pribadi

Handphone Symbian pertama saya  adalah Nokia 3310 tahun 2005. Handphone legendaris yang bahkan dijadikan meme sampai hari ini. Pada saat itu, saya hanya menggunakannya untuk melakukan komunikasi dengan orang tua dan tentu saja untuk bermain game seperti Snake dan Space Impact. Nokia 3310 sendiri tidak memiliki banyak fitur unik, namun kekurangan itu tertutupi oleh durabilitas dari handphone ini yang legendaris. Selanjutnya saya memakai Nokia N70 tahun 2007. Ini adalah handphone pertama saya yang memiliki fitur kamera. Dibandingkan 3310, N70 bisa dibilang lompatan yang jauh dalam hal fitur. Bluetooth, camera, video recording, browser, email, music player hanya sedikit dari banyaknya fitur di handphone ini.

Salah satu keinginan saya setelah memiliki 3310 adalah memiliki handphone Sony Ericsson versi Walkman. Saya mulai memasuki era Smartphone dan Smartphone pertama saya berbasis Android yaitu Sony Ericsson Walkman W8 tahun 2012. Jujur saja, pada saat itu saya belum mengerti tentang Android dan saya tidak memaksimalkan fitur yang ada dalam smartphone tersebut. W8 yang berbasis Android 2.1 “Éclair” masih memiliki Walkman player seperti seri sebelumnya, namun memiliki fitur lain yang jauh berbeda dengan seri Walkman sebelumnya seperti touch screen, widget, video, audio, dan tentunya app store. Selanjutnya, smartphone yang saya pakai adalah Samsung Galaxy Star S7262 tahun 2014. Dengan smartphone ini, saya mulai mengeksplorasi fitur Android 4 “Jellybean” dan merasakan perbedaan yang drastic dari W8. Salah satu yang mencolok adalah UI yang lebih simple dan efektif dibandingkan “Éclair”.  Smartphone yang saya gunakan saat ini adalah Xiaomi A1 (Android One) dengan OS dasar Android 7.1 “Nougat” namun sudah diupgrade ke versi terbaru 9.0 “Pie”.

Jumat, 06 April 2018

Softskill : Artificial Inteligence pada Game

Artificial Intelligent for Computer Games
 What is Artificial Intellegence?
Artificial intelligence or intelligence added to a system that can be used in a scientific or Artificial Intelligence context is defined as the intelligence of a scientific entity. Such systems are generally computers. Printing and inserting into the machine (computer) in order to do the work as humans can. Some areas use artificial intelligence, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and robotics.
It may be that AI will grow to the point where AI has reached True Sentience. When it happens the AI is no longer a machine but a creature that can think and when it happens also we can not control them anymore so the decisions they make will be beyond human estimates.

Decision Making: Decision Tree, State Machine and Rule System
Decision Making is a series of algorithms designed to include some possibility steps that an application can do. In the game, decision making gives ability of a character to decide what to do.
Decision Tree
Decision trees are powerful and popular tools for classification and prediction. The decision tree method was a method that transformed a very large fact into a decision tree which was presenting the rules so it is easy to understand with natural language. A Decision Tree is made up of connected decision points.
1.      Tree has starting decision (root)
2.      For each decision (starting from root), one of a set of ongoing options is chosen
3.      Choice is made based on conditions derived from the character’s knowledge/values
4.      Continue along the tree until the decision process has no more decisions to make
5.      Each leaf is an action, to be executed

A sample decision tree of a soldier character

The action for the character is determined by going through a series of decision points

State Machine
Finite State Machine (FSM) is a control system methodology that describes system’s behavior using three things, State, Event, and Action. On a program, the system would be in one active state. The system can switch or move to another state if it gets a certain input or event from external or components in the system itself (eg timer interruptions). Transitions of this state are also followed with actions by the system in response to inputs.

In procedural programming languages such as C, FSM is usually applied by using switch case control statements or/and if..then to be easily tracked in case of logic errors.

Rule System   
Rule Based System is a method of decision-making based on certain rules that have been set. A RBS is built on two main components, a set of facts and a set of rules.
·         A set of facts or knowledge base are combination of data, such as income and a condition such as ‘is zero’, or ‘is greater than 10’.
·         A set of rules  (the rules engine) describe the relationship between the IF and the THEN statements. For example a rule might be “IF a loan applicant has an income of zero THEN refuse the loan”.
Rule Based System can be applied to virtual agents in the form of artificial intelligence that can perform certain actions. The action is represented by a set of rules that is the cause the action occurs, process and the result of the action.

You can have many more rules. The main scheme is to write this set of rules and execute them continuously during the game (at each iteration of the game loop or in fixed intervals).

Path Finding
The pathfinding method is easiest to meet in the type of strategy game in which we designate one numbers to move to a specific location by clicking on the location they want to go to. The character will immediately move in the direction specified, and "smart" can find the shortest path or avoid obstacles that exist. One pathfindin algorithm is quite common and the most widely used to find the shortest distance efficiently is the A * algorithm (read: A star). In general, the A * algorithm defines the search area into the node set (tile). The starting and ending points are determined first to begin the search on each nodes that make it possible to search. From here, a score will be obtained that shows the magnitude the cost of taking the found path, plus the heuristic value that is the value cost estimates from the existing node towards the final destination. Iteration will be done until finally achieved target.

Neural network (neural network)
Neural networks are quite good when applied to non-linear or take cases decisions that can not be made with traditional methods. Its application is often on gamegame which requires adaptive ability or learning from experience. For example, if suatau when there is a battle between the player with the computer unit, and the computer unit is defeated, then on another similar occasion, the computer will choose not to fight. More many experiences experienced computer, then the computer becomes smarter. The basic principle of this artificial neural network is a continuous increase in weight for the resulting output become more accurate (getting smarter).

The path search or cool term is pathfinding in my description is the search process route / route (usually the closest route) of an arena that generally has barriers from the arena. The barrier can be a wall, a river, etc. Goal from this pathfinding on generally is to find the most efficient path by avoiding obstacles as much as possible which exists.
Pathfinding can be applied for example in making AI of a game, for example in order for the AI can pursue enemies efficiently and without crashing against walls or avoiding other obstacles.
There are several methods that can be applied in this pathfinding, one of the most frequent methods used is A *. Ok, without a convoluted we just get acquainted with this one method.

Waypoint is the reference point / set of coordinates used for navigational purposes for identify a point on the map. Coordinates that usually include longitude, latitude, and sometimes altitude for air navigation purposes. Waypoints are used in various navigation has no tracks that look like navigation in the air and navigation at sea, as well as on land navigation which has no clear path. Special navigation on land that does not use man as determining the direction but the robot, waypoint is used although there is a clear path. This is important in order robots still have a route.
Waypoint is divided into two types, namely waypoint fly by and waypoint fly over. Waypoint fly by does not pass the location over the way point but keeps toward the destination, while the waypoint fly over passes the location above the way point. After one waypoint is passed, the pilot must assign the next waypoint called the active waypoint.

A* Search
The basic informed search strategies are:
        1. Greedy search (best first search)
        2. A* search

What is A* Search Algorithm?
A* Search algorithm is one of the best and popular technique used in path-finding and graph traversals. What makes A* different and better for many searches is that for each node, A* uses a function  that gives an estimate of the total cost of a path using that node. Therefore, A* is a heuristic function, which differs from an algorithm in that a heuristic is more of an estimate and is not necessarily probably correct. A* expands paths that are already less expensive by using this function:

f (n) = total estimated cost of path through node
g (n) = cost so far to reach node
h (n) = estimated cost from  to goal. This is the heuristic part of the cost function, so it is like a guess.

Djikstra Algorithm    
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks. It was conceived by computer scientist Edsger W. Dijkstra in 1956 and published three years later.
Dijkstra Algorithms is a subsets from Greedy Algorithms. Dijkstra Algorithms and Greedy is a algorithm which every step of the process takes a edge or arc that has the minimum value weight that connects a vertex which has been chosen with another vertex that has not been chosen.

Example for Djikstra Algorithm :      

Tactical and Strategic AI
Certainly when we’re thinking about AI at this particular level, it is at the upper level, it is about making a reasonably long term plans or trying to ponder and take into what you  can make to characterizes the big picture and then to make some decisions on this. Tactical and strategic AI encompasses a wide range of algorithms that try to :
·         Derive a tactical assessment of some situation, possibly using incomplete or probabilistic information.
·         Use tactical assessments to make decisions and coordinate the behavior of multiple characters.

Waypoint tactics
A waypoint is simply a position in the game world.  A waypoint can be represented as a single position in the game level (“nodes”,  “representative points” used for pathfinding). To use waypoints tactically, you need to add more data to the nodes (not just location info). Some examples of use of waypoints to represent position in the level with unusual tactical features or information. This features is called tactical points. Tactical points can be either set by the designer or derived from game data or analytical algorithms.
Tactical nodes can be combined with pathfinding nodes to provide tactically aware path finding. Although common to combine two sets of waypoints (one for tactical, one for pathfinding), it is not efficient nor flexible, e.g. Cover and sniping waypoint nodes are not useful for  pathfinding which result in unrealistic movements within level.

Using Tactical Locations
How do we build a tactical mechanism within the character AI? There are three approaches:
1.      Controlling tactical movement (simple method)
2.      Incorporate tactical information into decision-  making
3.      Use tactical information during pathfinding
All three of them can produce character motion that is always tactically aware.
1. Tactical Movement
Tactical waypoints are queried during game when the character AI needs to make a tactical move. E.g. Character needs to reload bullets, it queries the tactical waypoints in the immediate area to look for “nearest suitable location” to stop and reload, before continuing. Action decision is carried out first, then apply tactical information to achieve its decision. There are some limitation in realism, and not able to use tactical information to influence decision-making due to limited use.     

2. Tactical Information in Decision-Making
Decision Tree is mainly build to create a conclusion of various data and/or information. Give the “decision-maker” access to tactical information, just like any other game world information. DT example:

3. Tactical Information during  Pathfinding
Relatively simple extension of basic pathfinding. Rather than finding shortest/quickest path, it takes into  consideration tactical situation of game. Simplest way is to manipulate graph connection costs (by  adding “tactical cost” to locations that are dangerous or  reducing “tactical cost” at locations that are easy)

Tactical Analyses
Sometimes known as influence maps – a technique  pioneered and widely used in RTS games where the AI  keeps track of areas of military influence in game. Can also be used in simulation/evolution games, FPSs or  MMOs. Overwhelming majority of current implementations are  based on tile-based grid worlds. Even for non-tile-based  worlds, a grid can be imposed over the geometry for tactical  analyses. The influence map can be used to identify points of weakness and strength and, from this, drive strategic goal solution.
Influence maps allows AI to  see which areas of the game  are safe, which areas to  avoid, where the border  between teams are weakest.

This is a link to our youtube video for this article : 

·         MUHAMMAD IMAM ZULKARNAEN    (54415652)
·         LESKA NATURALISA                  (53415812)
·         RATNA UTAMI HANDINI             (57415565)
·         TIKA PURNAMA PUTRI                (56425899)
·         SAMUEL ADRIAN NIVEN              (56415357)

Sources :